
b. 1986, HK.

Christoph Koch, PhD

Industrial Designer & Researcher

Lecturer| Industrial Designer | Design Researcher (PhD)| (he/him)

I am a passionate industrial designer, educator, and researcher at Queensland University of Technology (QUT). As both a lecturer and the unit coordinator for Advanced Manufacturing (DNB312) and Advanced CAD (DNB313), I am deeply committed to advancing the realms of modern manufacturing, 3D CAD modelling and design.

My focal points include advanced manufacturing methods, smart technology integration (Industry 4.0), mass-customisation, speculative design futures, and fostering collaboration between academia and industry. I am intrigued by the possibilities of incorporating digital innovations into new product development, particularly in the context of smart manufacturing.

In my capacity as a unit coordinator, I guide students through the intricacies of advanced manufacturing and CAD, providing them with both theoretical knowledge and practical skills that align with industry demands and prepare for an ever-changing design and manufacturing landscape. My goal is to bridge the gap between academic insights and practical applications, promoting a harmonious relationship between education and industry needs.

If you have any questions related to the projects on my website, please feel free contact me.